Can exercise help to raise testosterone levels?
There’s no doubt that some exercise can increase testosterone levels. But it does depend on your biological make-up and the type of exercise. The best way to maintain healthy levels of testosterone is to combine regular exercise with other measures.
For example, upping your vitamin and minerals and taking a high-quality all-natural testosterone supplement will help boost levels of the sex hormone. You can find all kinds of products that claim to boost testosterone but, to be safe, always stick with branded products. We’d also advise checking with your doctor before adding any new supplement to your diet. Read on to find out the relationship between testosterone and exercise.
Who needs to boost their testosterone levels?
Many people assume testosterone is only relevant for men, but women need certain levels to function properly too. When it comes to exercise, the type you do is crucial if you want it to increase your testosterone levels. Some will help this and some will have no impact at all.
Testosterone is present in everyone’s bodies, regardless of biological gender. It’s made by sex glands and a small amount is also produced by adrenal glands. Women have much lower levels naturally in their body than men but can sometimes benefit from raising their testosterone in some circumstances.
Men naturally produce high testosterone levels in their testicles and it’s one of the main drivers of changes during puberty. Changes including voice lowering, the growth of facial and pubic hair and gaining muscle easily are all down to testosterone.
Women produce much smaller amounts in their ovaries. Both genders need to have balanced hormone levels throughout their lives to function well. This gets more important as you get older. Optimal testosterone levels mean you will have a reduced risk of various illnesses and ageing conditions, including heart disease, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. There are supplements designed for women too, such as Kurapeak.
Studies show the link between exercise and testosterone
Below you’ll find scientific evidence regarding different forms of exercise and how they affect testosterone levels.
- Weightlifting: In 1983, a study of a group of men and women found that after lifting weights men experience elevated testosterone levels. Women, however, experienced nothing.
- Resistance training: A 2001 study of women only shows that resistance training can boost testosterone but usually only temporarily.
- Regular activity: A 2004 study of older men shows that any form of regular exercise helps to boost increases growth hormone (GH) levels, brain functionality and testosterone levels. A study of men also found in 2012 that regular exercise is definitely linked to higher testosterone levels when compared with men who do not exercise at all.
Here are some more things you can do to boost your testosterone levels:
- Resistance training such as weight training. Studies show that half an hour of weightlifting can increase levels of testosterone in men by 21.6% and in women by 16.7%. However, it’s most likely temporarily for women.
- High intensity interval training works well in raising testosterone levels for men but has little impact on women.
- Eat a balanced, nutritious diet that contains fat, protein and carbs.
- Reduce stress levels, which will reduce cortisol levels.
- Take vitamin and mineral supplements that include vitamin B and zinc.
- Get enough sunshine or take vitamin d supplements.
- Sleep between seven and ten hours a night.
- Take natural, high quality testosterone boosting supplements.
Check your baseline testosterone levels with your doctor before you start working out how best to manage your levels.