Energise with exercise
Instead of reaching for caffeine, get out for a walk or an exercise class and energise with exercise. It’s easy to drink too much caffeine when you’re on holiday overload, when summoning the energy to get through the day feels like squeezing water from a stone. While too much caffeine makes you tired and wired, a good workout helps you feel physically relaxed but mentally alert. It relieves feelings of tension and stress, and helps you concentrate. And, unlike caffeine, it enhances sleep quality and offers wonderful health benefits.
For some people, holidays bring unpleasant reminders of passing time, and especially sadness that certain loved ones are no longer with us. Exercise helps reduce feelings of depression. Activities that get you out of the house and break the cycle of depressing thoughts are especially helpful. Exercise is key to improving mental health and there are official publications supporting this idea.
Get your ’40 winks’
If fatigue is a problem, sleep may be the answer. When there aren’t enough hours in the day, you may be tempted to steal some from the night. But even a few short nights can dampen your energy and enthusiasm, especially when demands on your time require you to perform in high gear all day long. Adequate quality sleep restores your energy and optimism. Sleep is vital to life and low sleep can negatively effect your health, which is why it is important to get the recommended minimum of 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you're still feeling tired at work but your sleep and nutrition is at an optimal level it could be a good idea to try using nootropic supplements to provide more focus and energy whilst working.
Diet — balance indulgence with moderation
Your diet is one of the most important factors that effect your energy levels, it literally provides the energy your body needs to function and this is the reason that is so important that you eat healthily. Delicious treats abound during the holiday season. Make conscious choices regarding indulgences, and eat to celebrate. Certain foods add life and meaning to the holidays — these you cannot go without. Others are kind of just there. Avoid snacking on junk you don’t really want. You will enjoy the really special treats more if your diet has been relatively well-balanced overall. Your exercise program will help you accommodate a few extra calories. A balanced diet helps you avoid the fatigue and irritability associated with low blood-sugar levels and hunger, and that overstuffed, sleepy feeling of eating too much. Additionally, too little of certain vitamins can effect how much energy you have through the day. This is why it is important that you eat a balanced diet that takes into account your nutrition levels for your macro and vitamin intake, There are a number of online articles that can help you work out which specific vitamins could be causing your fatigue and tiredness.
Be alert to early signs of stress
Sometimes our bodies tell us we’re under stress before we are willing to acknowledge it. We bite our nails, get headaches, drink too much or misplace things more than usual. Nipping excess stress in the bud is more effective than trying to cope with a field gone to seed. Change the things you can change. Figure out why you are feeling stressed and address the situation. Too busy? Find ways to do less and enjoy more. If loneliness is the source of stress, look for opportunities to volunteer to help those less fortunate. If you can’t change the source of stress, try changing your attitude. Get the most out of the things you can’t change. Stress is a major factor that can effect our mental health, poor mental health can give us a feeling of tiredness and lack of motivation which is why it is key that you maintain your mental health in order to remain in top shape.
Prioritize — make time for the things that are most important
Where will the time come from? From the time you don’t lose by getting sick. Make taking care of yourself a priority. Getting sick can really deflate your spirit. Get enough rest, eat well, exercise and manage stress. In addition, see if you can get rid of or postpone any projects. If something simply won’t get done, decide what that something should be.
Getting together with family and friends reinforces those vital connections that enhance the quality of life and provide buffers during times of stress. Even though it is important to socialise, it is equally important to allow for some alone time give you some room to think about things in your life that may be making you unhappy. Spend quality time with the friends and family members you love the most. Look for the positives and remember that one of the best forms of self healing for your mental health is talking to your friends or family, as soon as you're able to get whatever is weighing you down off your chest then the sooner you will have the motivation to get on with work and activities in your daily life.