Lower Back

The Lower Back (Erector Spinae) is a group of muscles responsible for overall power of your body. It consists of three heads; Iliocastalis, Longissimus, and Spinalis. A well developed lower back is very important in many sports such as football, wrestling, and of course, power lifting.

We recommend the exercises below to strengthen your back. However they would be much more effective with the use of a supplement. For example Platinum Creatine has been known to maximize strength and speed up recovery time.

Barbell - Lower Back Helps Improve Overall Strength


Deadlifts have many variations, all of them work lower back as a target muscle and quads, hamstrings, and glutes as synergists or stabilizers. Here they will be discussed in detail and minor variations will be pointed out. All deadlifts are basic compound movements.

Regular Deadlift

A regular deadlift is the original deadlift in which your legs bend at the knees pretty liberally. It's almost half a squat. With feet flat beneath the bar, squat down and grasp the barbell with a shoulder width or slightly wider overhand or mixed grip. For better quality of the movement use overhand grip, but if you choose to use a mixed grip (if your forearms aren’t strong enough for overhand) that’s fine too, just remember to alternate mixed grip from hand to hand. Lift the bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at the top of the lift if rounded. Return, through the flexion of your lower back (which you must feel) and repeat. Throughout the lift, keep hips low, shoulders high, arms and back straight. Keep the bar close to body to improve mechanical leverage.

Straight-Leg Deadlift

In this variation of the deadlift, your legs should remain nearly perfectly straight (almost), but not immobile, throughout the entirety of the movement. You can do this on a platform, but you will need good lower back and leg flexibility. Your back should be more rounded than if you were performing regular deadlifts. Your legs and hips should move back and forth as you are lifting the weight accordingly, but no vertical movement of the legs should occur through the bending of the knees.

Links for Reference

For even more information on how to strengthen your lower back, you should consult this information on the health line website on how to do it safely. And if you are seeking for the information to manage and improve your back pain, check out this guide.