OptiMind Review

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£31.621 bottle. 30-day money back guarantee after first bottle purchased.buy now
£53.522 bottles. 30-day money back guarantee after first bottle purchased.buy now

What does this product do?

  • L-tyrosine boosts focus and makes you less likely to experience a lack of concentration or experience fatigue.
  • Phosphatidylserin helps increase memory capacity, enhancing cognitive function.
  • The Taurine in OptiMind helps lower blood pressure so you feel calmer.
  • Bacopa extract helps reduce anxiety.
  • Caffeine reduces tiredness.
  • Can help fight depression because Vitamin D levels are closely associated with depression.

Manufacturer Description

Have you ever asked, “Why I am so tired?” Self-perceived states, such as attention, focus and awareness are key for success. OptiMind is a nootropic designed to support cognitive function by providing the perfect blend of the world’s best ingredients.

Key Features

  • Sharpens mental focus.
  • Improves problem solving.
  • Increases energy (caffeinated).
  • Improves brain health.
  • Enhances memory function.
  • Helps stop cognitive decline caused by aging.
  • All-natural formula.
  • 100% money-back guarantee.

Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Not many spring to mind.

Consumer Reviews


“I’ve been trying many supplements, nootropics, natural Vegansafe B-12 (methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin), Rite Start Transfer Factors and many, many more. However, OptiMind is the ONLY pill that’s ever worked at all.”


“This product is great. If you are looking for a substitute for energy drinks and the like, this is a great product to try. The product itself is awesome!”


“If you decide to place your order then you won’t be disappointed because OptiMind contains an impressive list of proven ingredients that will go a long way to improving your quality of life on a day-to-day basis.”

Video Testimonials


How much OptiMind should I take and how often?

It is not essential that you take Optimind every day but the recommended amount is two capsules per serving. However it may be a good idea to start with just one and see if you experience any noticeable effects in cognitive abilities and energy levels.

If you do feel the effects from just one capsule, then this is the ideal. However there is no harm in taking two per serving should you need them. The bottle comes with 32 capsules (roughly 16 servings) so if you took a recommended serving every day, you will have used one bottle in 16 days.

OptiMind can be taken all year round and usually has more pronounced effects over time. Thus, you should have no concerns about your long term health whilst taking OptiMind.

Does OptiMind have any negative side effects?

There appear to be very few side effects to using OptiMind, however every supplement can react differently to you as a unique individual. It is best to run the supplement by your doctor before you start taking them.

This way you are completely assured that you won’t receive any side effects.You also have the reassurance that this product is gmp certified.

Who is OptiMind for?

OptiMind is aimed at anyone looking to boost their focus, memory and nearly all of their cognitive processes. It is very popular amongst students and athletes but can ultimately help everyone. However, OptiMind recommend not to take the supplement if you are under 18 or are pregnant.

What allergens are in OptiMind?

OptiMind is completely gluten-free, vegetarian and has no preservatives. However some traces of soy and corn may be present, so if you are allergic to soy and corn perhaps stay away from this product to be on the safe side.

Can you stack this supplement?

Yes, this supplement can be taken with other supplements to be a nootropic stack but is not necessary.


  • L-tyrosine.
  • Taurine.
  • Phosphatidylserine.
  • Bacopa extract.
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid.
  • Caffeine (75mg / pill).
  • ALA.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin B12.

Ingredient Explanations


L-tyrosine is an amino acid that the body combines with another amino acid called phenylaline. Tyrosine is critical to the structure of almost all the proteins in the body. It is used to produce various neurotransmitters, including dopamine and noradrenaline. Studies have shown there may be an increase in well-being in the presence of tyrosine. Additionally, following the ingestion of tyrosine, perceptions of stress are reduced.


An organic acid first isolated in the 1820s from ox bile (hence the name), taurine contains sulfur and occurs in the heart, brain and in red blood cells. The best food sources are fish and red meats. Taurine may improve heart conditions because it seems to lower blood pressure and calm the sympathetic nervous system, which is often too active in people with high blood pressure. The sympathetic nervous system is part of the nervous system that responds to stress. When used in conjunction with other ingredients (e.g. caffeine and B vitamins), taurine can improve attention levels.


A phospholipid found in cell membranes. It occurs naturally in a lot of foods, and it is taken to try to prevent memory loss and mental decline, especially as one gets older. Studies in phosphatidylserine suggest it may help boost brain power.

Bacopa extract

There are several species of Bacopa – a plant in the family Plantaginaceae. Its main benefits are reduction in anxiety and an improvement in memory. Studies have provided evidence that extracts of Bacopa monnieri have the potential for safely enhancing cognitive performance in the ageing.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

GABA is a naturally occurring amino acid which acts as a neurotransmitter. It inhibits nerve transmission in the brain, thereby calming nervous activity – an important effect in a nootropic supplement, sometimes labelled as a “natural tranquilizer”. Though the use of GABA in supplements to help bodybuilders may warrant more stringent research, findings dealing specifically with anxiety / mood are far more veracious. Without GABA, nerve cells fire too often and too easily. Anxiety disorders such as panic attacks and most types of cognitive impairment can be linked to low GABA activity, thereby supporting GABA as a favourable ingredient in a nootropic supplement.

Caffeine (75mg / pill)

Caffeine is the world’s most used stimulant. Though it is not technically a nootropic, it does increase mental alertness and temporarily “sharpen the mind”. Importantly, caffeine has been shown to stimulate dopaminergic activity by removing the negative modulatory effects of adenosine at dopamine receptors.[7].

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a naturally occurring antioxidant. ALA is both soluble in water and fat. ALA was primarily used to treat diabetic neuropathy, and its antioxidant characteristics is thought to protect nerve tissue from damage.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is sometimes known as the “sunshine vitamin” because of it close association with sunlight, though global research which correlates vitamin D with depression or “well-being” is largely circumstantial. However, The British Journal of Psychiatry (2013) published an article entitled Vitamin D deficiency and depression in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis, and its conclusions were: “Our analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that low vitamin D concentration is associated with depression, and highlight the need for randomised controlled trials of vitamin D for the prevention and treatment of  depression to determine whether this association is casual.”

Vitamin B12

Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is found in meat and many dairy products. It is known for its neurological benefits, and also for the proper formation of red blood cells. Those that are at a greater risk of vitamin B12 deficiency include the elderly, vegetarians, and those which suffer from anemia. Though more research is needed to conclude vitamin B12’s cognitive benefits, vitamin B12 deficiency is characterized by fatigue, weakness, depression, and poor memory.

Our Verdict

High quality ingredients that produce hardly any side-effects makes this product one of the best nootropic supplements on the market. You can also indulge in a free 10-capsule trial, so there’s nothing stopping you from “trying before buying”.