SYNTHA-6 Review
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£17.95 | 780g | buy now |
What does this product do?
- Supports Muscle Growth
- Supports Maintenance of Muscle
- Contributes to Normal Muscle
Function (Calcium) - Milkshake-Like Taste
Manufacturer Description
SYNTHA-6 is an ultra-premium protein powder with 22g protein per serving and is BSN’s best-tasting protein on the market. SYNTHA-6 not only includes essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, but is also an excellent source of fibre, which makes it a nutritious and multi-functional protein supplement. SYNTHA-6 is the go-to protein for any nutrition or exercise regimen because it is designed to suit a variety of active lifestyles and diet plans. And with SYNTHA-6, the high standard of quality protein comes with taste to match, thanks to BSN’s exclusive flavour technology.
Advantages & Disadvantages
- Not to be used if you’re allergic to: milk, egg, wheat or soy.
- 6g (2g saturated fat) per serving.
- Not all flavours are available in all the sizes.
Consumer Reviews
“This is the best flavour of protein shake I’ve ever had. I look forward to it every day at 3pm as a pre-workout snack but it’s more like a dessert!”
“I usually use Optimum’s Gold Standard Whey but decided to try SYNTHA-6. The taste is great and mixes easily, only thing that may be considered a con is for the chocolate peanut butter; when you finish the drink there may be a few chocolate-like pieces stuck at the bottom of the cup. Other than that this is great.”
“As many different proteins as I go out and try, I always come back to SYNTHA-6. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m getting good at consistently hitting my protein intake with whole foods, and I still keep a jar handy at all times. SYNTHA-6 tastes like a straight-up cheat meal, and while the profile isn’t as “clean” as some competitors, the very minor differences are more than offset by being able to look forward to a protein shake instead of dreading it. If your 24g protein supp is so awful that you won’t ever drink it, how much better can it really be than a 20g protein supp that is so good you’ll have cravings for it?”
“Best flavour for me hands-down. I’ve tried Chocolate Milkshake too which had a bit of salty flavour. This one actually tastes good either with water or almond milk. Post-workout protein shake with banana and unsweetened almond milk is my favourite combo. This one is a high carb whey protein. The Chocolate Milkshake flavor tastes better along with L-Glutamine.”
“Is a protein shake supposed to taste this good? It’s as good as a “normal” shake you would buy.
I’ve only tried strawberry and I can only compare this to Maximuscle as that is the only other protein I’ve used. As far as taste, mixability and value for money goes, it wins. Nutritionally it appears to be about the same, maybe slightly higher in calories. Recommended.”
Video Testimonials
Who is BSN SYNTHA 6 for?
SYNTHA 6 isn’t designed for anyone in specific. Anyone can use it to reach their nutritional and gym goals.
How do I take BSN SYNTHA 6?
Mix 1 scoop with 4-5oz of water or any other liquid of your choice. It is important to note that 4-5oz of water is not ‘set in stone’. You can add more for a thinner consistency and less SYNTHA 6 flavor or alternatively add less for a thicker consistency and a more potent SYNTHA 6 flavor. If you are creating a milkshake by mixing milk, make sure you use non-fat or low-fat milk to increase protein intake.
How many flavors of SYNTHA 6 are there?
There are 8 flavors of SYNTHA 6. They are as follows; Banana, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake Batter, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cookies and Cream, Peanut Butter Cookie, Strawberry and Vanilla.
- Protein Matrix (Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Casein, Milk Protein Isolate, Egg Albumen and Glutamine Peptides).
- Polydextrose.
- Sunflower Powder (Sunflower Oil, Corn Syrup Solids, Sodium Caseinate, Mono- & Di-Glycerides, Dipotassium Phosphate, Tricalcium Phosphate, Soy Lecithin and Tocopherols).
- Natural & Artificial Flavours.
- MCT Powder (Medium Chain Triglycerides, Non-Fat Dry Milk, Disodium Phosphate, Silicon Dioxide).
- Soy Lecithin.
- Cellulose Gum.
- Salt.
- FD&C Yellow #5 (Tartrazine – a food colouring).
- Sucralose.
- Acesulfame Potassium.
- Papain.
- Bromelain.
Ingredient Explanations
Whey Protein
Whey protein is a mixture of milk proteins. Beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin are two of the major proteins found in whey proteins. Whey protein is more rapidly digested than other proteins (e.g. casein).
Animal studies suggest that whey protein can increase lean body mass resulting from exercise. In tests of intense cycling exercise, athletic performance was improved when taking whey protein. A controlled trial found that six weeks of strength training while taking daily 1.2 grams of whey protein per 2.2 of pounds body weight resulted in greater gains in lean body mass. However, whey protein improved only one out of four strength tests. Another trial resulted in individuals performing better in short-term cycling exercises when taking 20 grams of whey protein daily for three months than people taking a similar amount of milk protein (casein).
Investigating 25 published intervention trials on the effects of whey protein supplementation, whey protein may increase muscle protein synthesis, whilst there were no clear-cut effects shown on blood lipids and lipoproteins, blood pressure and vascular function. The summary concluded whey protein may affect glucose metabolism and muscle protein synthesis.
Micellar Casein
Micellar Casein is a protein derived from milk. It is slowly digested and a typical protein amount per 33g is 24g.
A essential amino acid (the building blocks of protein). Glutamine is useful in building muscle in individuals suffering from muscle stress disorders and muscle-wasting diseases.
Sunflower Powder
A major ingredient of this blended powder is sunflower oil, which is rich in a protein called adiponectin, which is involved in fatty acid breakdown.
MCT Powder
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) are partially man-made fats. Simply put, the name derives from the way their carbon atoms are arranged. MCTs are usually made in the laboratory from the oils of palm and coconut oils. They are sometimes used by athletes to support training, as well as for lowering body fat and increasing lean mass.
Acesulfame Potassium
Commonly referred to as Acesulfame K, this is a sweetener free from calories, but extremely sweet.
Found in pineapples (Ananas comosus), bromelain is a mixture of enzymes that digest protein. Pineapple has been used for centuries in Central and South America to treat indigestion and reduce inflammation. Derived from the stem and juice of pineapple, bromelain was first isolated in the early 1890s. Bromelain can be used to treat a number of conditions, but it is particularly effective in reducing inflammation from infection and injuries.
Let’s begin with a definition. Papain, as defined by the Encyclopaedia Britannica, is an “enzyme present in the leaves, latex, roots and fruit of the papaya plant (Carica papaya) that catalyzes the breakdown of proteins by hydrolysis (addition of a water molecule). It is known to treat muscle soreness after exercise. Research shows that taking a combination of product containing papain, bromelain, trypsin, amylase, lipase, lysosome and chymotrypsin four times in one day before a downhill run can reduce muscle soreness.
Our Verdict
SYNTHA-6 is a little light on the amount of protein per serving, but it’s high in fibre and BCAAs. Reviews are typically good, and it may be the tastiest whey protein on the market. The price is reasonable too.